Tiger Philosophy lesson 157: How I deal with my stress?

Stress = one of bodily or mental tension resulting from factors that tend to alter an existent equilibrium.

Stress happens when we feel things are out of our control. “Everybody” feels stress one time or another.I am shocked to have experienced the effects of stress on me during the recent years, how it affected my physiology and psychology.

Here are few indicators when I experience stress and how they affect me.

  • 1st  of all I notice stress clearly in my body as amplified sensations at center of my chest area, this focus of sensations can move to different body parts.
  • 2nd my breathing becomes shallow, I cannot take deep breaths out of my belly.
  • 3rd my awareness of my surrounding diminishes, I don’t notice things clearly anymore, I feel like a walking zombie.
  • 4th I am always thinking of the problem or the negative outcome of it.
  • 5th during my sleep I cannot turn off the thought process.
  • 6th I do not feel sensational pleasures in eating or interacting with others.
  • 7th I become more emotional.
  • 8th my problem solving capacity diminishes.
  • 9th I cannot see the problem in its proportion, every things is blown out of proportion, here a fly becomes an elephant.
  • 10th I don’t see that I have a problem but I am the problem is my experience.

These are certain indicators for me when I am experiencing stress. During the years I have developed techniques to create an immune systems against stress.  It is not to say that I am not affected by it, but I can resist stress in a manner that it does not disturbs my daily balance of life to easily. I can recognize the signals as soon as they starts to emerge.

Few methods which have worked for me in decreasing my stress level during the years.

  • 1st I start to focus on my breath, I take deep breath as often as possible during the day.
  • 2nd I try to be aware of my thought process.
  • 3rd I sit in silent places and observe everything which is happening in the body.
  • 4th My most valuable jewel is to keep on doing physical exercise even when I feel stressed, stress is a form of undesired energy, which can be exhausted   through intensive physical exercise , the more intense and long the exercise the better.
  • 5th Experimenting with breath, holding the breath, berating in fast ritthem, hyperventilating, looking for a way which helps me in that moment.
  • 6th squeezing  the  muscle in my body as intense and long as possible, focusing specially on the eyes, jaws, hands and feet’s, after squeezing releasing the tension.
  • 7th taking long cold showers, you may find it funny, but during those shock moment of the body you have to regulate your berating in that stress moment.
  • 8th describing the stress and anxiety in detail, it gives a good insight into the cause of stress.
  • 9th having good hard conversation with your stress, treat it as you are talking to a person.
  • 10th talking to friends, describing your stress to them, creating this vulnerability, opening up yourself, has a very power full healing effect.

These are few examples, what can help in stressful situations, stress can come from time to time, but it should never become our life ally.






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